
Just be yourself...

The best times for a person is when he can be just himself. We all want to act as we like, talk the way we like and do whatever in the time we want. That's our ultimate dream. There are times when we cannot be ourselves. We have to take a role of a certain character, just to cope with a situation. There r times when we fear of being ourselves that other people might not like us. We want to please everyone, or say the ones we care to look good in their eyes. This makes us shaken, not comfortable in the suit we are borrowing. Don't you hate this? Why can't we just act as we wish? In any case we will never please everyone, and the ones who are really important to us probably like us the way we are.

1 comment:

Lilli said...

Bas we don't actually do this.... not all of us ya3ni at least... there are people who care about what other people think of them and want to impress them, so they might not be so genuine in their behavior