

اتعلم ازاى تضحك فى عز نكدك
اتعلم ازاى تدارى دمعة عايزة تجرى على خدك
اتعلم تقول لنفسك كله حيبقى تمام
اتعلم تعمل اللى عليك ودايما تبص لقدام
اتعلم تقدر الناس اللى تستاهل
اتعلم محدش ياكل حقك ويعدى بالساهل
اتعلم انك تفضل زى مانتا مهما مع مين اتعاملت
لو بدأت تتكلم لغتهم حتلاقى نفسك لمستواهم نزلت
اتعلم دلوقتى لو كنت لسه ماتعلمت



Out of fear comes courage, and out of death comes a new life.
It gets dark in the reception of the new dawn, and the warmth fills the world up after the chill.

Look at yourself, you look the same as the day you fell down in mud.
But today you are up straight, with your shoulders above the sky.
Today you are wearing the same cloths like when your heart was broken, thrown to the ground.
Only now with a new fixed one, no stitches or pain.

Out of fear comes courage, and out of death comes a new life.
You can't help but get up from the mud, collecting the pieces off the ground,

for life won't let you do otherwise...


Today's Quote

When I despair,
I remember that all through history
the way of truth and love has always won.
There have been tyrants, and murderers,
and for a time they can seem invincible,
but in the end
they always fall,
Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi, this man was really a powerful man.
He was facing armies with such beliefs.
The power is in the will, not the tool.


Alissa's new Album "Bastanak"

And here she goes again: Alissa's new album was released 2 weeks ago, and she's doing it again... this girl knows how to sing songs that touch the heart....

I remember the day i started loving Alissa's music, it was one day, more than a year ago when i was going back home from Arcadia mall where i was having a course. It was round 7 pm and i was exhausted. I was riding one of those air conditioned mini buses and the radio played Alissa's song "Ahla doneya". it was simply great, the music, the lyrics, and her voice. And i was in the tired, relaxed mood that makes me romantic ;) it was the first time that i heard the song, and it really touched me...and the next day i bought her album.

Her new album is as beautiful, romantic & touching as the previous "Ahla doneya", even better...
I recommend listening to "Bastanak" guys, and tell me ur opinions ...