Scenes i can never forget from my favorite movies...
- The movie "Al 3azra2 wal sha3r al abeyad", Nabeela 3ebed wakes up from the surgery to discover she can never be a mother.
- The movie "Jerry McGuire" when Tom Cruise goes to Rene Zelweger's house to tell her he loves her.
- The movie "Awakenings" when Robert De Niro wakes up from his long lasting paralysis to discover the life he's been missing for 30 years.
- The movie "Fight club" when the hero & heroine stand and watch all the big skyscrapers fall down, the last scene of the movie.
- The movie "Do3a2 el karawan" when Faten and Ahmad Mazhar were sitting by the river confessing their impossible love to each other.
- The movie "Al thalatha yo7eboonaha" when So3ad 7osny was dancing with Hassan Youssef trying to send her fiance away, after her tragedy.
- The movie "White" when the hero goes running in the rain till he falls to the ground.
- The movie "7abiby da2eman" the final scene when Poussy dies in the arms of Nour el Sherif on the beach.
- The movie "Damm el ghazal" when Mona Zaki is thrown out of the house on her wedding night after her husband is prisoned, walking miserably down the street.
- The movie "Vanilla sky" when Penelope lifts Tom Cruise up from the ground and takes care of him, giving him a chance to live.
- The movie "Phenomenon" when the heroine shaves Travolta's beard in his final days.
- The movie "You've got mail" when Tom Hanks tells Meg Ryan right before she meets her internet friend, that he wishes he were him. She leaves without a word.
- The movie "Cold Mountain" when Judd gets killed.
- The movie "El erhab wel kabab", when Ahmad Rateb explains why he is polishing shoes in el mogama3 in Cairo.
- The movie "The age of innocence" when the hero kneels on Michelle Pfifers feet and weeps, despairing their impossible love.
If u have a favorite movie scene too, plz share it with me..
ur idea of exposing remarkable scenes of films is great and innovative
من الغريب ان لا اجد اي مشهد هنا من فيلم فورست جامب,وهو لعمري فيلم لا ينسى ..
ولكني اعتقد ان افضل مشهد فيه هو مشهد وفاة بوبا صديق فورست جامب في فييتنام ..
The movie Platoon where Tom Cruise (again?) gets out of the plane in Vietnam at the beginning of the movie. Towards the plane walks a veteran and the veteran and Tom Cruise make eye ball contact. Sometimes eyes say more than a thousant words. It seems like Tom just saw his futere walk by.
bossy fi scenes ktir, men el ana aftekro now...
- film el wesada el 7'alya, lama halim w lobna kano kol wa7ed etgawez w a3din homa el 4 ma3 b3d..
- film Titanic lama fedel howa fel frozen water w 7ataha 3al wooden slide and died :(
- film the devil's advocate, the last scene kolo, the confrontation between man and satan.
- film Serendipity, the last scene too when they finally found eachother at the skating place!
- film zawgat ragol mohem last scene..
- film el 7'ataya, this time the scene is the song "2olly 7aga", i believe they were both very expressive..and i like the song moat.
the movie "shawashank redemption" two scenes
1- the moment when andy (tim robins)is out of the sewers and take sof his shirt and opens his arms wide and breathes in all the freedom he can get in one breath.
2- the scene where the warden discovers that andy has escaped.
WOW! I LOVE "SHAWASHANK REDEMPTION", how did i forget about it.... very good choice Anonymous
بالرغم مني لست من أشد المعجبين بعادل إمام إلا ان هناك مشهدين إستحضرتهما
الاول في فيلم إحسان عبد القدوس حتى لا يطير الدخان عندما جائت اخت صاحبه الغني والذي إستهزأت به ورفضته لأنه صعلوك فقير ، عندما جائته بعد ان اصبح غنيا تخطب وده وطلب منها تخلع له الجزمة ثم طلب منها أن ترقص له .. ثم تركها وهي تحاول إثارته
التاني في فيلم الأرهابي .. اثناء مشاركته العائلة والجار مبارة كرة القدم وإندماجه معهم
إنتي بتجيبي الأفكار دي منين ؟
أصل أنا بأحب السينما موووووووت
المشهد الأولانى بتاع حتى لا يطير الدخان معرفهوش ، أصلاً مش بحب الفيلم ده، انما التانى جميل فعلاً
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